
+Resilient Newsletter 4

+RESILIENT puts together a 4-helix partnership of 8 MED countries to tackle the need for innovation conducive to increased socially-responsive competitiveness of SMEs & stimulate new jobs, especially for companies operating in the social economy. It aims to kickstart a process of policy change at regional level in the involved areas resulting in the integration … Read more

The integration of Hellenic Justice electronic services to eIDAS infrastructure is being implemented with open source tools through eThemisID

The European project eThemisID is being implemented by the Consortium consisting of the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), the Hellenic Council of the State, Uni Systems, Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS), and GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology. ICCS has been appointed as the … Read more

EUvsVirus Hackathon to develop innovative solutions

To complement hackathons taking place at global and member state level, the European Commission – in close collaboration with EU member states – will host a pan-European hackathon to connect civil society, innovators, partners and buyers across Europe to develop innovative solutions to coronavirus. The #EUvsVirus Hackathon will take place on 24, 25 and 26 … Read more

Collaboration between OpenProject and OpenPM²

The PM²Alliance and OpenProject are making cooperative project management accessible to everyone. Our partnership brings us even closer to our goal, which is to enable project teams to do better projects using effective, free and open source project management. Pursuing our vision to take the PM² “where no PM² has gone before”, with this collaboration … Read more

The CEF teams visits Greece to discuss eIDAS and the CEF building blocks

This week the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital team visited Athens to deliver an information session on the eIDAS regulation and showed how – in conjunction with the CEF building blocks – public administrations can build user centric digital public services for citizens and businesses. The CEF team was met by Nectarios Koziris, Dean of … Read more

France enters the Matrix

Matrix is an open platform for secure, decentralized, realtime communication. Matthew Hodgson, the Matrix project leader, came to FOSDEM to describe Matrix and report on its progress. Attendees learned that it was within days of having a 1.0 release and found out how it got there. He also shed some light on what happened when … Read more

Register for our Webinar: The #SlideWiki trials experience. Lessons learned on OCW authoring and training – Wed, Oct 24, 2018

In this webinar, Alexandra Garatzogianni, Senior Research and Innovation Project Manager at the Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology, University Library (TIB) and at the Leibniz University of Hannover, will moderate a discussion between Edna Ruckhaus, Senior Researcher at the Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) and Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Lecturer at the Artificial Intelligence Department … Read more

European cities reuse Madrid’s open source citizen participation solution

Consul, the citizen participation platform shared as open source by the city of Madrid (Spain), is being implemented in 18 countries across the world. In Spain, Consul is used by over 40 villages, towns and cities. In Europe, Consul is also used by Paris and Aude (France), Turin (Italy), and Tirana (Albania), while Madrid has … Read more